Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance policy

At AEROX ADVANCED POLYMERS S.L, we understand that quality is a customer’s right, and as such, it must be part of the personal style of the people who are part of our organization.

Our vocation for service based on proximity, technical knowledge, quality, protection of the environment, and Occupational Health and Safety has prompted us to adopt a management system certified according to the standard norms UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001, and UNE-EN ISO45001.

This integrated quality, environment, and HSE system is based on the following commitments endorsed by the company’s Executive Management:

  • Keep the Integrated Management System updated, according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001, and UNE-EN ISO 45001 Standards, ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations regarding quality, environment, and HSE and any other additional requirement that our organization voluntarily subscribes to.
  • Establish and annually review a set of environmental objectives and goals to develop what is established in this policy.
  • Foster continuous improvement, involving our staff, with their contributions, to the efficiency of our production and management processes that will allow us to be competitive and sustainable in the long term.
  • Recognizing that our operations have an environmental impact, we are committed to optimizing the consumption of water, energy, and raw materials. We favor the consumption of materials that ensure greater respect for the environment and carry out adequate waste management to prevent pollution and minimize environmental impact, guaranteeing continuous improvement of our environmental behavior.
  • Adopt the necessary measures to encourage that only workers who have received sufficient and adequate information can access the areas of serious and specific risks.
  • Maximize prevention, trying to act on the origin of the risks and evaluate those that could not be eliminated, analyzing the causes to avoid recurrency.
  • Encourage the collaboration of all our employees in better environmental management and HSE, favoring communication activities, dissemination of quality practices, environmental management, health and safety and training.

The company’s executive Management requests the collaboration and commitment of all the organization’s employees so that we make this ESG Policy our own, each one taking responsibility for the quality of their work and compliance with what is established. This policy is permanently available to the public so that it can be reviewed by interested parties who request it.


LA POBLA DE VALLBONA , December 4th 2020

D. Raúl Cortés Fibla